by Tony Moore Editor’s note: Tony Moore lives in Jamestown, R.I. with his wife Aline. He has been diving and spearfishing for almost 50 years and has been kayaking since 1997. Tony is also a certified Water Safety Instructor (American Red Cross). He coordinates several RICKA (Rhode Island Canoe & Kayaking Association) paddles every year, usually rock garden trips. He is a […]
sea kayaking
Freaking Out in a Sea Kayak
Editor’s note: This article is one Eric had sketched out for 2012. “Over the years, I have learned that the biggest hidden threat is mental confusion caused by a combination of the ocean’s cosmic chaos and the mind’s inability to process it all. Symptoms include inability to communicate (listening and expressing) and perception distortion, coupled […]
Who’s Your Sea Kayaking Mentor?
men’tor, n. (from Mentor, the friend and counselor of Odysseus and Telmachus) a wise and faithful counselor (Webster’s New Twentieth Century Dictionary) Everyone needs a mentor, especially when undertaking a new and challenging endeavor. The Tsunami Rangers have mentored many sea kayakers. Tsunami Ranger Eric Soares introduced me to extreme sea kayaking in 1996. […]
Lore, Legends, and Magic – Magical Thinking and the Tsunami Ranger Approach to Sea Kayaking
“Let me not hear facts, figures and logic; fain would I hear lore, legends and magic.” (From “Roots of Oak” by Donovan) What is magical thinking? I first encountered this phrase in an article about grief. A man had died of cancer and his 11-year old daughter thought she was responsible for her father’s death […]
Kayak Navigation, Part 1 – Piloting (without tools)
by Tsunami Ranger John Lull Kayak navigation is the art of knowing (and keeping track of) where you are and following the best route to get where you want to go. The best route may or may not involve paddling on a straight course from point A to B. Sometimes when making a crossing in wind […]
Kayak Pilgrim – A Sea Kayak Adventure
Life should be one adventure after another. If not, you’ve lived too long. Whenever I become too mellow, my heart yearns and yearns for adventure. You take the high road and I’ll take the high road. Okay you take the low road and I’ll take the high road. Well, if you insist, you take the […]
The Hazards of Sea Kayakers as Safety Boaters for Swim Races
by Wayne Horodowich (Editor’s note: Wayne Horodowich is the founder of the University of Sea Kayaking. USK was conceived in the 1980’s and officially founded in January of 2000 to enhance and promote sea kayaking. The USK website has 100’s of pages of information on sea kayaking. To check out the USK website, go to […]
Sea Kayakers and the Survival Instinct
by Will Nordby – Photo illustration by Will Nordby- The recent sinking of the Costa Concordia brought to mind a subject that has special relevance to those traveling on the sea: the survival instinct. When the cruise ship grounded, the captain, Francesco Schettino, chose […]
Moseying Down The Coast – Sea Kayaking In The Slow Lane
Tuning in to the Beauty and Magic of Sea and Land by Steve King One of the most enjoyable aspects of the Tsunami Rangers’ annual retreats or any quest (see #9 in Eric’s previous post 10 Commandments of Sea Kayaking) is meandering along the coasts of Northern California, Oregon, Washington or anywhere. One cannot truly […]
Sea Kayaking Seal Launches
by John Lull When sea kayak paddling in rock gardens it is very handy to be able to launch or land on a rock, an island, or the rocky shoreline, even in the absence of a nice sandy beach. In this situation you need to use a seal landing or launch. Eric covered seal landings […]
In Honor of Eric Soares, 1953-2012
Eric Soares – husband, father, brother, son, and good friend to so many people – passed away on February 1, 2012, of a sudden cardiac event at Stanford Hospital while awaiting surgery to repair an aortic aneurysm. Eric was a great individual. His strong personality and his desire to live life to the fullest left […]
The Ten Commandments of Sea Kayaking
What is most important in adventure sea kayaking? For fun and convenience, I’ve ordered my list, beginning with the most essential and progressing from there. Here are my Ten Commandments of Sea Kayaking: 1-Thou shalt not turn thy back on the sea. Give the sea the reverence it is due. Make the sea a lifelong […]
Deep Breathing for Kayakers
“Breathe.” Did you consciously take a refreshing breath or two or three just now? Okay, start reading to find out how proper breathing relates to sea kayaking. Numerous articles and a plethora of books tell us what to eat. One day they exhort: “Eat soy!” The next day they admonish: “Don’t eat soy!” I sometimes […]