Editor’s note: This was an American Whitewater trip. AW is a national non-profit river conservation organization founded in 1954. AW’s mission is to protect and restore America’s whitewater rivers and to enhance opportunities to enjoy them safely. The organization is the primary advocate for the preservation and protection of whitewater rivers throughout the United States. […]
Whitewater kayaking
Slay, Ladies, Slay! The 2021 Womxn’s Holistic Paddling Clinic
On June 24 to 27 California Watersport Collective held their annual Womxn’s Holistic Paddling Clinic on the Rogue River. Best year yet, and it’s my fourth. I arrived a day early and set up camp. Met a buddy from a previous year and we sat by the river catching up and watching wildlife. Of note […]
Rolling on the Rogue! A Women’s Whitewater Clinic
Editor’s Note: This post covers the Womxn’s Holistic Paddling Clinic offered by California Women’s Watersport Collective in tandem with Sundance Kayak School of Galice in the Rogue Valley of Oregon that took place on June 18 – 21 this year. 2020 is my third year attending this event, and I’m so glad I showed up! […]
Whitewater of Jefferson State With CWWC Part Two
Editor’s note: A special shout out to Tsunami Ranger Capt. Jim Kakuk who was kind enough to go with me to the lake and take pics of me practicing skills since I was so busy practicing them during the clinic I didn’t get the photos I wanted. Thanks, Captain!!! This is the second part of […]
Whitewater of Jefferson State – Part One
In an effort to improve my ocean whitewater skills last year I got into whitewater paddling on the Rogue River with the California Women’s Watersports Collective. I had so much fun and learned so much that this year I continued the whitewater adventure by signing up for two clinics with CWWC, one on the Rogue […]
Crossing Over – Four Days Kayaking the Rogue River of Southern Oregon
Over the years Life beats us up. Not whining, just stating facts. Therefore, it is SO GOOD to be around women who remind me of my younger self: rowdy, boisterous, athletic, outdoorsy, a little bit raunchy, funny, fun, supportive, smart and creative, and that’s good because they show me how to live all over again. […]
Whitewater River vs Ocean Whitewater
by John Lull Editor’s Note: This week, Tsunami Ranger and earth scientist John Lull ‘splains the difference between river hydraulics and water dynamics present in ocean rock gardens. At first glance the whitewater in ocean rock gardens looks very similar to a whitewater river. You’ll see waves, aerated rough water, rocks, currents, and swirling chaotic […]