Editor’s note: last time I visited the Redwood Empire, friend Rebekah Kakuk gifted me a copy of Sea Kayaking the Redwood Coast (2011) by Explore North Coast, a local kayaking club in Humboldt and Del Norte counties. The book contains many routes from protected flat-water paddles to exposed, inaccessible stretches of wild coastline, most of […]
Sea Kayaking Destinations
Salish Sea Adventure – The Pleasant Isle
To be silent the whole day, see no newspaper, hear no radio, listen to no gossip, be thoroughly and completely lazy, thoroughly and completely indifferent to the fate of the world is the finest medicine a man can give himself. – Henry Miller Jones Island Marine State Park is located in the San Juan Island […]
The Log of the Sea of Cortez – Tsunami Ranger Retreat November 2019
Kayaking Angel Island – It’s All About the Blueschist
By Nancy Soares and John Lull “The best way to study geology is by kayak” – Tsunami Ranger Capt. Tortuga You probably don’t know this, but Capt. Tortuga and Tsunami Ranger John Lull are geologists by trade. On Monday, April 9, John and I drove from his place in El Granada on the San Francisco […]
Extreme Smoke – The Getaway
As many of you know, Southern Oregon is on fire. For nearly the entire month of August, the Rogue Valley has been filled with smoke from multiple forest fires in the surrounding areas. Even the coast has been smoky because of the fire in Brookings. And like many of my fellow Oregonians, I don’t have […]
The Same But Different: Advantages of Getting to Know One Place Really Well in Your Kayak
by Barbara Kossy and Nancy Soares Editor’s note: Thanks so much to Barbara Kossy for her thoughts on this topic and for the great photos of Elba. And thanks to her and to everyone I’ve paddled with at Pillar Point for all the great memories! Barbara: There’s an obsession with bucket lists, bagging peaks, hiking every […]
The Magic of Monterey Bay Marine Sanctuary
Editor’s note: This is our last article for 2015. We hope you have enjoyed our adventures! Stay tuned for our next post in January 2016, and have safe Holidays and a wonderful New Year! Text by Steven El Rey King Photographs by Scott Becklund and Paul Hammond There are many amazing reserves, national parks […]
Kayak Elba – Your Next Destination?
By Barbara Kossy Editor’s Note: Barbara Kossy has been kayaking the Mediterranean since 1996. She has been to Elba a number of times and it’s one of her favorite kayak destinations. I set up my life so I could travel, and when I travel to paddle I kayak in Italy, paddling the Island of Elba […]
Opportunities Open Whenever You’re Ready -Kayak Touring the Dalmatian Coast of Croatia
by Joanne and Doug Schwartz Editor’s note: Always understanding kayaking as a place to be and a way to go, not a transport from here to there, Joanne and her husband Doug have paddled since the mid-1980’s and are still exploring the world, sometimes by kayak. They paddled with Eric, Jim and the Rangers a […]
California’s Lost Coast – Extreme Hiking in Southern Humboldt County
In June, my son Nick and I hiked the Lost Coast of Northern California. It’s an extreme hike – there’s no trail for much of the way – and it took us four days and three nights. We started at Shelter Cove and hiked north to the mouth of the Mattole River. Most people start […]
Sea Kayaking Microwave – Surfin’ Tsunami Style
By Steve King and Scott Becklund Editor’s note: The Tsunami Rangers refer to the wave at Mushroom Rock as Microwave for two reasons: it’s a mini-version of Maverick’s and there’s a naval station with radio and radar on the bluff above the break. Thanks to TR Michael Powers for all the great photos! Steve: About a […]
Sea Kayaking Na Pali Redux – Rolling With the Tao
“A good traveler has no fixed plans and is not intent on arriving.” -Lao Tzu, “Tao Te Ching” My experience on the Na Pali expedition was an exercise in how to roll when things don’t go as planned. I had misgivings as soon as I arrived on Kauai and discovered 26 people signed up for […]
Sea Kayaking Na Pali – Tsunami Rangers in Paradise
by Tsunami Ranger Steve King After many months of planning and excited anticipation a group of 26 people from Norway, Australia, New Zealand, O’ahu, California and Serbia (by way of Australia) converged in Hanalei, Kauai to make final preparations for 6 nights and 7 days of kayaking and exploring the legendary Na Pali coast (no, not […]