Editor’s Note: Surf Sirens rocked the rocks and the waves this September with 30 students and 11 instructors and assistants. Thank you so much to everyone who took photos this year! Kudos to Kristy Dahlquist, Wendy Wenrick, Alisha Bube, Helen Davis, and Deb Volturno for their contributions to this article. Surf Sirens 2024 was all about […]
Sea Kayaking Skills
Zen and the Art of Kayak Rolling
Asked if he ever worries that he won’t come up when he rolls, one paddling friend said, “Every time.” But knowing that even experienced paddlers get the jitters doesn’t help when you’re upside down in an element that can drown you and the back brain is screaming, “Nooo!” In June of 2023 I was driving […]
Surf Sirens – Rocking the Waves in 2023
Surf Sirens 2023 blew the hatches off with the most students and the biggest instructional team to date. This was our 6th year, and while it’s always a great experience, this year was something special. It takes time to build a quality event like Surf Sirens, but I think we’ve found our stride. The structure […]
A Rock Gardening State Of Mind
by Bill Vonnegut Editor’s note: Bill Vonnegut of the Neptune’s Rangers is an old friend. We’re pleased to run his article on rock gardening versus rock bashing. If you find yourself paddling on the open coast from San Francisco to Oregon, you could possibly run into Bill. He has a passion for paddling and holds British Canoe Advanced […]
Towing for Sea Kayakers
This is a controversial topic. There’s a lot to know and a lot to learn about towing. Kayakers have varying opinions about what system to use and why, and their opinions are often quite strong. At the end of the day, you need knowledge and practice to tow effectively. You never know when it might […]
Surf Sirens Gathering 2022!!!
On September 23rd through 25th the Surf Sirens had their first official post-Covid event, and it was a great success. With head instructors Deb Volturno, Melinda Moree, and Jameson Riser and assistants Sally Anderson, Esther Ladwig, and Beth Owen we had a full complement of talent, and there were 12 gung ho students ready to […]
Navigation, Tides, and Currents in Deception Pass
Editor’s Note: Deb Volturno is a Coastal Kayaking Level 5 Instructor Trainer Educator, American Canoe Association, and a Surf Kayaking Level 4 Instructor Trainer Educator, American Canoe Association. Marty Mayock is a Coastal Kayaking Level 3 Instructor, American Canoe Association. On April 24 I took a class from Capt. (Deb) Tortuga. Not only Captain of the Tsunami […]
The Value of Rescue Practice – Cold Water Rescue Rodeo With NSSKA
By Moulton Avery and Nancy Soares Editor’s note: This March I was privileged to join the North Sound Sea Kayak Association (NSSKA) for a rescue rodeo in 42-degree water at Lake Stevens in Washington State. It was awesome! Robert Nissenbaum, Chief Instigator, led the hour-long introduction on land. There were lots of good questions and an […]
Rolling With Covid-19
Editor’s Note: Much gratitude to my teachers Ashlee and Jon from Sundance Kayak School in Galice, OR; TR’s Jeff and Cate from Liquid Fusion in Ft. Bragg, CA; Jackie from Ashland, OR for the feedback; son Nick and brother-in-law John for taking videos; and niece Kasey, sister-in-law Patty, bro-in-law John, and TR Admiral Kakuk for the […]
A Study in Brown – Waste in the Wilderness
Editor’s Note: With apologies to Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (A Study in Scarlet) and gratitude to my son Nick Wantz who came up with our title we bring you a discussion of poop in the wilderness. As more and more people adventure farther afield the subject of how to handle the growing quantity of human […]
Playing in Tide Rips With A Sea Kayak
by John Lull Editor’s note: It’s great to have another article by our talented Tsunami Ranger John Lull. Welcome back, John! Thanks for the informative post and for the awesome photos, taken from the Golden Gate bridge by your lovely wife June Legler. Thanks, June! It’s an exciting experience to sit in the eddy just outside […]
Surf Sirens Shred 2019!
What a great weekend! Three days on the water with a great group of badass women. I love this event for many reasons. One, it takes place on one of the most beautiful beaches I’ve seen, Hobuck Beach on the Makah Reservation at the tip of the northwest corner of Washington State. Two, it attracts […]
The Surf Sirens Surf Clinic – First Class Ocean Whitewater Instruction
Editor’s note: Thanks to TR Captain Deb Volturno for contributing some of the photos in this post. And thanks to everyone who participated in the Surf Sirens gathering this year. This group rocks! The third annual Surf Sirens gathering at Hobuck Beach on the Makah Reservation in Washington State was a big success. On the first […]