“What’s next for the Tsunami Rangers?” Eric always said. Right now, Tsunami Ranger Michael Powers is working on Wild in Spirit, a coffee table book of fabulous photographs from around the world highlighting inspirational quotes. One of my favorites this one from Rumi:

Wild in Spirit is dedicated to Tsunami Rangers Eric Soares and Misha Dynnikov and photographer Galen Rowell. All three men were important influences on Michael, and this tribute to them is beautiful. The project is a collaboration of Michael and the people at Ocean Studio in Half Moon Bay.
In the Tsunami tradition of shameless self-promotion Michael would like to remind you that you can still contribute to the Wild in Spirit project by donating to Wild in Spirit’s kickstarter campaign at http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1219156620/wild-in-spirit-a-celebration-of-the-natural-world
You have until December 2 to participate, and Honorary Tsunami Ranger Bob Weiss recently offered to match every donation dollar for dollar so that the project can be completed. Whatta guy! Plus I’ve got to say, if you’re looking for Christmas presents for a hard-to-buy-for person, this book would be a great gift. For a donation of $50 or more you get a copy of Wild in Spirit. For $40 or more you get a copy of Eric’s great book Confessions of a Wave Warrior, just in case you haven’t already ordered it from this website 😉 Even if you only donate $1 or more you get invited to the launch party in Half Moon Bay where you can meet Michael and all of the contributors at Ocean Studio. May I just say, I’ve never been to a Tsunami party that wasn’t a great bash! For more information you can also check out a video about Wild in Spirit at https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=720294144664963&set=vb.261470440603534&type=2&theater
Bravo, Michael! I posted a link on my Facebook page. Good luck with the project; I can’t wait to see the book!
Hi Moulton! Thanks for supporting the project. I felt a little funny about hawking a product on the website and then I thought Good Grief! Eric was all about self-promotion and it’s a beautiful book so Who Cares??? I even donated to the kickstarter campaign by committing $50 – I thought Eric’s daughter Micaila would enjoy having one of the books for Xmas.
Works for me. Michael is an extraordinary artist, and even though art is sold (how else would the artist live?), I’ve never see art in the same light as commerce. We should all do more to support the things we believe in, the things that let our hearts and minds soar.
Good news! The Wild in Spirit project will be fully funded! The kickstarter campaign was successful and there will be a book tour beginning in 2014. Thanks to all who participated!