By Captain Jim Kakuk and Lt. JG Nancy Soares Editor’s note: This post is first in a series of upcoming Meet the Rangers posts. The numbers of the Rangers have fluctuated over the years as people move in and out of the team due to time passages and life changes but there are usually about […]
Jim Kakuk
Abalone Diving From Your Kayak
(This is a special blog post from Jim Kakuk, captain of the Tsunami Rangers) Abalone diving is a sport all to itself. Just ask any ab diver! Diving from a kayak combines the two sports—now you have a whole new ballgame! Here are a few basics to know before you get started. First, you must […]
Sea Cave Safety (part two)
Last week, I answered a few questions Australian sea kayaker Tess Dodd posed about navigating a sea cave. This week we answer the rest of her important questions. Tess: “In the event of an unexpected large wave entering the sea cave, what is the best way to minimize injury from being pushed farther in or […]