Exactly 25 years ago I wrote my first kayaking article called “Survival Swimming”, which was published in SEA KAYAKER Magazine. I thank editors Bea and John Dowd for having faith in me to write an article worthy of their magazine. I’ve experienced a lot and learned some things since then. The other day I mused, […]
Sea Kayaking Equipment
The Tsunami X-1 Rocket Boat Breaks the Wave Barrier
Below is an excerpt from CONFESSIONS OF A WAVE WARRIOR. As a youngster, I dreamed of becoming a frog man when I grew up, but though I had the chance while in the Navy, I let the opportunity pass me by. I later learned to SCUBA dive and to kayak in rivers and the ocean. […]
Greenland-style Rolling with Helen Wilson
(This week’s blog is written by Steve King, Tsunami Ranger lieutenant) As all sea kayakers know, a good roll and/or self rescue technique is core skill #1 for safe and fun adventure kayaking. Last weekend I had the good fortune to be taught the versatile and body friendly Greenland style roll by a wonderful and […]
Gizmos and Gadgets for Sea Kayakers
We sea kayak because we are drawn to ancient seafaring arts practiced by Aleuts, Inuits, Polynesians, and other coastal peoples. A key part of the appeal is the simple equipment needed—primarily a small boat and a paddle. The whole idea is to venture into the elements with just your knowledge of the sea and paddling […]
Greenland Paddles: Fad or Future?
Over a decade ago the venerable John Heath and a young Maligiaq Padilla visited Half Moon Bay where I used to live. John told tales of traditional Greenland kayaking, and Maligiaq gave a Greenland-style rolling demonstration with his American-made Greenland kayak and his skinny little wooden paddle. Naturally, I was enthralled with John’s vast knowledge […]