Paddling through surf zones and rock gardens is the frontier of sea kayaking and something you can do right now. Why fret about surf zones and avoid rock gardens like the plague? If you are ready to improve your kayaking skills and take the plunge into the next dimension of kayaking, then I have good […]
Sea Kayaking Classes and Conferences
Golden Gate Sea Kayak Symposium 2011 BRAVO!
When I left my house in Oregon to drive down to the Golden Gate Sea Kayak Symposium last week it was snowing—all the way to Shasta Lake. Bad omen. Then it rained cats and dogs all day Thursday, Friday, and Saturday in the Bay Area. Frankly, I was worried. Worried that I would get hypothermia […]
Golden Gate Sea Kayaking Symposium 2011
At this time next week I’ll be setting up to speak at the GGSKS on the shores of San Francisco Bay. I’ll be giving a multimedia show titled Tsunami Rangers Retrospective. It will cover 25 years of our adventures exploring the microcosms of surf zones, ocean rock gardens, and sea caves. There should be thrills, […]