by Alan Marshall Editor’s Note: Though the Tsunami Rangers went their own wild way, the Bay Area Sea Kayakers and the Rangers have cross-pollenated. One of the founders of BASK, Penny Wells, is a friend, as is past BASK president Barbara Kossy, who is married to TR John Dixon. BASKers attended the Tsunami Sea Gypsy […]
sea kayaking retreats
THE ORDEAL – Tsunami Retreat 2016
Howling wind. Choppy waves. Funky swells. Boomers. Contrary currents. This year the Tsunami Ranger retreat had it all. But we’re a team and we made it! Once again, Rangers and friends overcame all obstacles and had a great time on the annual gathering. Capt. Jim Kakuk and guest Nancy Soares share the story. Nancy: Jim […]
Rangers’ Retreat – 30 Years On
By: Captain Jim Kakuk and Dandy Don Kiesling FIRST RETREAT In 1985 Eric and I were on our way to the Port Townsend Sea Kayaking Symposium to do our first presentation, ‘Ocean Survival Swimming‘. On the way we stopped in Southern Oregon at Boardman State Park, and went on a mini expedition to explore a […]
Tsunami Ranger Retreat 2014: A New Ranger!
Captain Kuk: When Eric and I first came up with the idea of a kayaking team in 1984 we wanted to have a system for rating the skills of the paddlers that we planned on inviting to join us. Eric proposed that we use naval ranking. Having been in the U.S. Navy he was familiar […]