Confessions of a Wave Warrior
What is it like to experience a lifetime of water adventure? Join Eric Soares as he relates his boyhood introduction to pools, creeks, and rivers and recounts his escapades on the mighty sea as a Navy man and kayaker.
“Confessions of a Wave Warrior” is a compilation of Eric’s action-packed true tales of swimming in cold creeks, canoeing down rough rivers, surviving a super-typhoon in a warship, paddling through monster waves, and crashing a kayak into a sea cliff. With dozens of thrilling photographs to accompany these tales of derring-do, the book chronicles the adventures of a Tsunami Ranger in all kinds of water.
(copyright 2010, Eric Soares)
(198 pages)
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To arrange other payment alternatives, contact Eric Soares at the above email or write him at 300 Grandview Drive, Ashland, Oregon, 97520, USA.
Order now, just $25 ($20 for the book and $5 S&H—for U.S. customers).
For overseas orders, just $35 ($20 for the book and $15 S&H). Your order will be shipped by U.S. mail within 5 business days after receiving payment.
Eric Soares is co-founder of the legendary extreme kayak team, the Tsunami Rangers. Eric has written over 50 articles on sea kayaking, including seminal works on kayak surfing, rock garden techniques, rough-water night paddling, and sea caving. Eric developed Hand Signals for Sea Kayakers, used by paddlers around the world, and the Sea Conditions Rating System, based on the River Rating System. Eric co-authored “Extreme Sea Kayaking”, published in 1999 by Ragged Mountain Press. He has produced four award-winning kayak videos, including “The Adventures of the Tsunami Rangers.” Soares and the Tsunami Rangers have been featured on National Geographic Explorer, the Discovery Channel, and the History Channel. A retired college professor, Soares enjoys swimming, hiking, and martial arts.
Sasha Joura says
Hey Eric,
So I finally finished reading your book – and I liked it alot! You wanted to know which stories I like the best, so here are my favourites (in no order):
– The chapter about your adventures with Tippy Top Terry. Hiliarious! Every kid should have the chance to have those kind of adventures… well, mightbe not all of them!
– “The Worst Class Ever” because guiding has helped me understand how easy it can be for everything to go wrong all at once! What a nightmare!
– Nancy’s story was fantastic – Loved it! (Please let her know!) Mightbe because I could relate to it more…?
– the stories about all of Jim’s bad swims. But mostly I LOVE the lesson at the end of that chapter – that childhood friendships can last forever. That was an “awwww!” moment.
The others are all great stories too, but I’ve heard many of them first-hand, which means reading them isn’t that exciting. And the pictures are all great, of course. Great job!
Eric Soares says
I’m glad you enjoyed the book. It seems many people like the boyhood tales, especially the one with Tippy Top Terry. BTW, I have a ton of boyhood stories that don’t specifically involve water, so perhaps I’ll put them in another book.
Steve Kem says
Hi Eric
We met a few months back at the Jackson Wellsprings and did some sea yak chatting. We have the sea/lake kayaking course set up and running at SOU and would love to have you in as a guest speaker sometime! We meet Mondays and Wednesdays 2-3:15 at the SOU pool in McNeal Hall and will be doing longer sessions at Emigrant in May. Hope you are well and I’ve really enjoyed checking out your website! cheers
Steve Kem
Eric Soares says
Hi Steve,
I’m glad you liked the website. I remember meeting you (it’s always good to meet a fellow kayaker). I’d really enjoy talking with your class. I’ll contact you soon about that.